ADHD Testing

Why Choose Us?   With nearly two decades of experience, Leonard Educational Evaluations has earned a reputable standing in the community for our expertise, trustworthiness, and genuine concern for our clients. We are dedicated to addressing your concerns, pinpointing problems, and delivering personalized recommendations, interventions, and treatment options!

ADHD diagnosis does not rely on a single test; instead, doctors employ a multifaceted approach, considering various factors such as:

  • Interviews with parents, relatives, teachers, or other adults
  • Direct observation of the individual
  • Utilization of questionnaires or rating scales measuring ADHD symptoms
  • Administration of psychological tests

The evaluation involves assessing how symptoms impact daily moods, behavior, productivity, and lifestyle habits while also excluding other potential conditions.

For children, doctors discuss observed ADHD symptoms with parents, inquiring about the onset, manifestation, and context of the behaviors. Teachers' input, behavior reports, report cards, and schoolwork samples may also be requested.

In the case of adults, doctors may consult with spouses or family members, aiming to ascertain if the patient exhibited symptoms during childhood, a crucial factor in the diagnostic process.

To rule out other conditions, doctors may request various tests, including assessments of hearing and eyesight, blood tests for lead levels and diseases like thyroid disorders, tests measuring brain electrical activity, and imaging tests such as CT scans or MRIs to check for brain abnormalities.

Diagnosis Criteria: Doctors predominantly adhere to guidelines established by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), recognizing three types of ADHD:

  1. Inattentive Type: Individuals must exhibit at least six out of nine specified symptoms, with fewer hyperactive-impulsive symptoms.
  2. Hyperactive-Impulsive Type: Criteria include at least six out of nine specified symptoms, with fewer inattentive symptoms.
  3. Combined Type: The most common form, involving symptoms from both inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity categories.

In addition to APA guidelines, doctors may employ rating scales like the Vanderbilt Assessment Scale, Child Attention Profile (CAP), Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC), Child Behavior Checklist/Teacher Report Form (CBCL), and Conners Rating Scale for evaluation and symptom tracking.

Brain Wave Tests: The Neuropsychiatric EEG-Based Assessment Aid (NEBA) System measures brain waves, particularly the ratio associated with ADHD in children and adolescents. The Qb test assesses attentiveness levels using data from a continuous performance test and movement analysis.

These tests, alongside others for medical conditions mimicking ADHD, contribute to a comprehensive evaluation. However, it's crucial to note that they don't exclusively diagnose ADHD.

From Diagnosis to Treatment: Upon ADHD diagnosis, doctors typically recommend a comprehensive treatment plan, which may include medications and behavioral therapy. Following the prescribed treatment can alleviate symptoms and enhance the management of ADHD.